How to Glow for Your Photos Captured by a Portrait Photographer in Orange County

Apr 16, 2019 | Uncategorized

Don’t you want to glow throughout each and every photo captured by your portrait photographer in Orange County?

portrait photographer in Orange County

If so, know that you certainly can! If you are a focused person and you lead a healthy lifestyle, it will certainly show. When it comes to your photo session, whether it be portraits, boudoir, or family photos, you will surely you will want to look happy and polished throughout all of your images. Therefore, you will want to prepare your body ahead of time, so that you can flaunt your most beautiful self in front of the camera!

Glowing skin, pearly white teeth, luxurious hair; these are all details that you will want to shine throughout your photos captured by your portrait photographer in Orange County! However, it’s important that you remember that you are stunning just the way you are. But, you always have the opportunity to accentuate your gorgeous self even further by taking part in some beauty regimes.

I believe that everyone should be confident in their beauty as they step out in front of the camera! That’s why, here at Christina Wehbe Studios, as a portrait photographer in Orange County, I have gathered some tips to assist you with ensuring that you glow when having your own photos captured. If you are all set to discover what these tips are, be sure to continue reading, to gain some helpful insight:

portrait photographer in Orange County

  • Luxurious Hair

    There are many ways in which we can accentuate our beauty, especially when it comes to our hair! From bleaching to coloring, our luscious locks go through a lot to appear beautiful and unique. When we over-treat our hair with harsh chemicals, it begins to break from the damage, which certainly isn’t ideal. So, prior to your photo session with your portrait photographer in Orange County, take part in a hair conditioning treatment, such as by using Aragon oil, so that your hair will look healthy, shiny, and magnificent throughout your photos. In addition, know that I have professional hair stylists at my studio who will have your hair appearing fabulous for your photo session!

portrait photographer in Orange County

  • Beauty Sleep

    Before your photo session with your portrait photographer in Orange County, it’s important that you get a good night of sleep! In fact, by doing so, you will appear much healthier! After all, it’s not called “beauty sleep” for a reason. Ensuring that you have an adequate amount of sleep before your photo session offers so many benefits, such as time for your skin to rejuvenate, helping to prevent bags under your eyes, reduces puffiness, as well as provides you with a feeling of refreshment and liveliness! Beauty sleep is the perfect way to ensure that you are glowing for your photo session.

portrait photographer in Orange County

  • Radiant Skin

    It’s so easy for us to damage our skin. However, if you create a proper skin regime, you can take care of yours! You can avoid rough and dry looking skin with proper moisturizing habits. In addition, know that you can protect your skin from the harmful sun rays with sunscreen. Also, when you apply your makeup for the day, don’t forget to properly wash it off at night. By creating a daily plan for your own skin, you can ensure that it will shine for your photo session with your portrait photographer in Orange County.

You will certainly want to glow throughout each photo captured by your portrait photographer in Orange County! These are just a few tips to ensure that you do.

If you are all set to have your own images captured by a portrait photographer in Orange County, California, please get in touch with me here at Christina Wehbe Studios! I am always excited with the opportunity to capture such wonderful milestones in life, and would be pleased to capture yours as well.

I was one of those people who thought I was invincible, and that won’t happen to me well…
It was really hard and I’m so grateful for every day now 
