How to Prepare for Your Headshots with a Headshot Photographer in Newport Beach

May 9, 2019 | Professional Headshots

There are many benefits to having your headshots captured by a headshot photographer in Newport Beach!

headshot photographer in Newport Beach

A headshot can be known by many different names, such as corporate photos, corporate headshots, or even business portraits. These photographic gems can be used to further your career, as well as allow your clients to put a face to the name. Reading about an individual, we can create our own image of how they look, or the trustworthiness they show, but nothing beats a quality headshot! You can read about a person all day long, but they say that a single picture is worth more than a thousand words.

When it comes to presenting yourself in the business world, you will certainly want to show off your best traits. While there are many ways to ensure that your headshots captured by a headshot photographer in Newport Beach are spectacular, know that there are a few ways in which you can create your headshots to appear even more fitting and memorable.

I believe that a bold headshot is a powerful tool in the business world! That’s why, here at Christina Wehbe Studios, as a headshot photographer in Newport Beach, I have gathered a few ways in which you can prepare for your own headshot photo session. If you want to make a lasting impression within the business community, be sure to continue reading, to become inspired:

headshot photographer in Newport Beach

  • Let Yourself Shine!

    All too often, we are much too critical of ourselves, and we certainly shouldn’t be! We are all unique individuals, and all have our own traits that make us beautiful or handsome, and one of a kind. When having your headshots captured by a headshot photographer in Newport Beach, the last thing you should do is be worrying about the outcome of your photos! Your experienced photographer will capture your best angles, most flattering poses, and overall present you with headshots that you will be proud to display. So, let yourself shine!

headshot photographer in Newport Beach

  • The Best Attire

    Your eyes and smile aren’t the only aspects of yourself that potential employers or clients will scrutinize. Your chosen ensemble will also accentuate your photos. It’s important that you take great care when planning your outfit for the photo session with your headshot photographer in Newport Beach! You can showcase your style using your attire, while also presenting yourself in a clean and professional manner. Most importantly, your style should reflect the image you would like to present, such as a suit for business headshots.

headshot photographer in Newport Beach

  • Accentuate Your Beauty

    No matter your gender, if you are offered makeup services before you step in front of the camera, you should seriously consider it. We offer quality makeup and hair styling services from professionals, so that you can take part in the full “model experience” before your photo session with a headshot photographer in Newport Beach. For men, some powdering doesn’t hurt, sometimes even contouring is impactful for dramatic headshots. For ladies, it’s not just about applying your eyeliner, blush, or lipstick perfectly. Your makeup artist will know how to reduce unnecessary shine on your face, keep you from looking washed out within your photos, and know how to bring out your eyes, as these are what clients will look at to help them determine if you are a professional throughout your headshots.

Your headshots captured by a headshot photographer in Newport Beach deserve to be stunning! These are just a few tips to assist you with ensuring that yours are.

Are you ready to have your own headshots captured by a headshot photographer in Newport Beach, California? If so, please get in touch with me here at Christina Wehbe Studios, as I would be honored with the opportunity to capture yours!

I was one of those people who thought I was invincible, and that won’t happen to me well…
It was really hard and I’m so grateful for every day now 
