Cancer Survivors Contest and Campaign

Jul 15, 2019 | Portrait Photography


Do you know someone who had conquered cancer recently? After a life-changing event, like Cancer, many women don’t feel like themselves. Treatments, surgeries, stress, and healing have taken a toll. The body is different, life has changed. Things will never be the same, but life can still be great!

Loving our bodies, as women, is often a difficult job. It is even more so when experiencing life-altering events, like chemotherapy and surgeries. Our Contest and Reveal Event will include a makeover by an award-winning team who specializes in transformational makeovers and it will include an intimate conversation about body-image, self-love, and confidence with a professional.

The lady we are looking for: You know what it means to feel helpless, feel the hopelessness, the body pain and the mental pressure of literally fighting for your life. You also know what it feels to fight like a champion, gain yourself back, learned about your survival methods and became a stronger woman. You know you beat cancer, you won the biggest battle in your life, but rarely look in the mirror and think, “I am Beautiful, and I am enough”. You might not feel ready, but inside, you deeply desire to do something just for yourself

We are a team of ladies whose life has been touched by people who had cancer. We decided to make a change and celebrate the real champions of our community. We are offering these transformations because we need beautiful souls to empower other women to love and accept themselves regardless of their age, shape or negative thoughts of themselves after cancer. We are all beautiful and we deserve to have beautiful photographs of ourselves to remind us of our light from within. We will be choosing five lucky ladies to receive a $925 gift voucher towards their own personal luxury portrait and empowerment experience.

…It was as though she somehow knew not only my personality and character but also could see them through the eyes of my 45-year partner and love. Alison H.
…By the time I walked out the door I felt incredible, every woman deserves to feel this way…
Caitlin D.
…I started feeling more glamorous than anything! …and Christina coaches you on exactly how to move and hold yourself…
Maureen P.
…Her lighting is so fantastic that my photos needed little to no touch-ups…
Tina D.
…My session was beautiful and intimate. She made me feel so at ease. The shots she got of me is something I’ve never seen of myself…
Sophia D.

Being photographed is such an empowering experience. There are times during the photoshoots where my client and I have an “aha moment” where their energy really shifts and they start truly revealing themselves and owning their space and feeling confident and powerful in front of my camera. Those “aha moments” are what makes your photographs powerful, it’s not the lighting, however, the creative lighting is super important, and it’s not the posing, although directing you to the right pose is a skill of mine, but it’s that expression you have on your face! that’s when I know “we got the shot” There’s a model in every one of us and my job is to bring your model out regardless of the age, size, personality or past experiences. This is a true adventure!

Apply here:

I was one of those people who thought I was invincible, and that won’t happen to me well…
It was really hard and I’m so grateful for every day now 
